Volunteer Spotlight: Suman Berry

October Volunteer Spotlight: Suman Berry

Suman Berry (pictured in the bottom right) was born in India and came to the U.S. in 1980.  She has regularly volunteered at many shelters in the D.C. area for the last 34 years. She often serves meals at the Bethany Day Center and graciously donates to N Street Village monthly. Suman often recruits her friends and her husband Alok to volunteer with her. Suman truly believes it takes a village to serve N Street Village
Let’s get to know more about Suman…

What is your favorite D.C. landmark?

  • My favorite landmarks are The Holocaust and African American Museums.

What is your favorite D.C. restaurant?

  • Oyamel Mexican Restaurant.

Who in your life to you rely on for support?

  • I am grateful for my good friends Mary and Robin for their support and dedication.

What makes N Street Village unique to you?

  • N Street Village is a family for so many women, which makes it so special. I once asked a resident if she was going home for the holidays; she said, “no, I am staying here. This is my family.”  This fills me with peace and happiness. I know we are serving at the right place!  
Suman Berry

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