Deandra’s Poem

Who Are You

Fear can control your life if you allow it to. I’m empty, my glass is
not full because my self-esteem and my worth has given up.
I’m nobody currently. Today I live my life with purpose and being
a leader in a positive way. I’m strong, confident, motivated and determined.
Now I know what type of person I want to be.
You can say I am mean, she is controlling,
but I say I know who I am, and I like order.

I’ve been through it all, the giving up, rape, all the trauma,
incarceration and almost losing my life. I gave up hope.

I was tired so I began soul searching, and I’m still soul searching to
this day. I’m not perfect but I own my truth, my story, who are you today?
Do you feel hopeless?

Build that self-esteem up and work on self. I’m a survivor and we all are, so believe it .

I strive to do better today than yesterday. I love me and life and the
opportunities are pouring around me.

I define the person I want to be. Take your power back, change the
fear and take control over your life today.


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