Why Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) in D.C.?


With the complex intersections of age, mental health, economics, and deep societal inequities, even deeply affordable housing is out of reach for many Village clients.

That is why N Street Village provides Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH), which combines affordable housing with supportive services that provide clients with the tools to cope with mental health, addiction, trauma, physical health problems and other issues they might be experiencing.

According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness, PSH reduces the usage of publicly funded crisis services (like jails, hospitalizations, and emergency departments), and increases stability and well-being.

N Street Village is currently the largest provider of PSH for women in D.C., offering over 140 units combined at the Flagship location, Erna’s House, Miriam’s House and Phyllis Wheatley YWCA.

*Source: 2015 National Alliance to End Homelessness Report on Permanent Supportive Housing

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